Help Amy get Redboy a Wii for Father's Day

So Absolute Amy would like to "surprise" Redboy with a Wii for Father's day. However she lacks the Wii hunting skills or desire to sleep infront of a store. She is not looking for donations just soldiers in the field to assist her in finding one, without being robbed on Ebay. So if you come across one and can pick it up for her....

The goal: Help Amy get Redboy a Wii for Father's Day
The Deal: She will pay for the Wii and shipping costs. In return the Redboy Podcast will make a donation of $50 to the charity of your choice....and maybe you'll get a Tshirt (the only commodity we have)
Why: Cause she won't stand a chance on her own
Contact Amy: She has her own account that Redboy can't see at "wii at redboypodcast DOT com"

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posted by Redboy @ 7:17 PM, ,